Contributors Bettina Rust

About Bettina Rust

Bettina Rust was born in Hanover in 1967. She studied marketing and communication in Hamburg and started her career as a presenter in 1993 with the call-in program “0137 Night Talk” on Premiere. She has been working as a freelance journalist for various print publications since 1995 and she has been a voice artist in numerous media since 1997. Since 2002, Rust has been hosting the two-hour interview show “Hörbar Rust” on Sundays on Radio Eins, which won the European Podcast Award. Her book “Berlin: Favorite Places” was published in 2018. Her second book, “Das Essen meines Lebens” [“The Food of My Life”], was published in 2022.

Photo: Bettina Rust
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